Small Business Legal Services

This business is run by one of the Von Trapp kids and specializes in selling brown paper packages tied up with string...

This business is run by one of the Von Trapp kids and specializes in selling brown paper packages tied up with string...

Business Formation: Corporate Forms

When you start a business, deciding whether to incorporate is an important decision; it is a decision that balances your potential liabilities and your likely income. Once you choose to incorporate, the decision whether to form a C-Corp, S-Corp, or LLC can have significant tax implications and each has it's own process, requirements, and costs. Consulting with somebody before you commit to any particular corporate form is extremely important. And once you choose a corporate form, I can help you file the right paperwork and be prepared for your annual reporting requirements and any other legal or administrative issues that might arise.

Business Operations: Contracts, Policies, and Procedures

I mention several times on this website my personal philosophy when it comes to contracts: if you are providing a service or selling a product for money or if you are purchasing a service or product for money, you should have a contract. But there is an addendum to this general philosophy for businesses especially and it is this:

If you sign a contract, it is always better if YOU draft the contract.**

Contracts you may need may be agreements with clients, consultants, employees, vendors, or a general operating agreement or employee handbook; I can help you with these and make sure that your contracts are clear, concise, and work for you. I can also consult on business policies and procedures to help you balance clarity and ease of administration with the legal protections every small business needs. 

**Of course, in this case, "you" drafting the contract really means having someone draft the contract on your behalf. (Whomever that might be, hint, hint, hint.)

Until both parties have put pen to paper, you should assume you do not have a contract. Do not rely on oral agreements; that never ends well for anyone!

Until both parties have put pen to paper, you should assume you do not have a contract. Do not rely on oral agreements; that never ends well for anyone!

Business revolves around coffee; pro bono advice right there.

Business revolves around coffee; pro bono advice right there.

Legal and Business Consultation and Negotiations

If you have a new client coming in and you want help preparing for the negotiation, I can consult before the negotiation to help you prepare and/or join the negotiation to help make sure you get the best deal you can get. If you have a set of contracts you already use, I can review them and highlight potential issues and suggest changes going forward. I can give advice or help you understand government rules and plan how to comply with legal requirements.

Small business can be especially hard if you are trying to go it alone; but, you do not need to go it alone.